Need a trendy haircut or coloring ?I will be happy to help you choose the perfect look that will emphasize your personality and uniqueness. I will not only refresh your hairstyle, but also help to change the style, taking into account your preferences. I invite you to my salon to create a bright and stylish image! 😊✂️
Do you dream of radical change? Do you like experiments and innovation? Thanks to my fashionable hair coloring in Odessa you will quickly be able to change your image. You will be delighted with yourself, and others will be fascinated by your look. Allow yourself a new…
Hair is often damaged due to various negative factors. To restore the health of your hair, you can turn to me. As a professional, I will help to solve this problem and return your hair to its normal state….
Intensive care is aimed at restoring the structure and strengthening the hair. It leaves your locks well-groomed and silky….
The master colors individual strands not the entire length of the hair. This is a great opportunity to change your look without making radical changes….
While leaving the natural hair color as the main color, partial lightening in the form of balayage gives the look a natural finish.
Delicate and neat shimmering shades will visually enhance volume and create an eye-catching glossy effect.
The smooth transition from dark shades to light tips creates a harmonious effect of sunburnt strands.
This trendy method features a smooth transition of color from dark to light, from bright to muted or vice versa.
It is a haircut of any complexity, updating the shape, bangs or cardinal changes in style.
For a modern and elegant man, it is impossible not to emphasize his look with a quality haircut. However, not all hairdressing salons in Odessa can make such a stylish men’s hairstyle, which will not only lift the mood, but also charm women.
A beautiful beard is a luxurious addition to a man’s appearance, emphasizing the strength and nobility of its owner. But what to do if you have gray hair or do not like the natural color of hair framing the chin? This problem can be easily eliminated.
Some parents of boys for some reason believe that fashionable hairstyles are the prerogative of girls. Style and the desire to take care of themselves, the child should be instilled from an early age, regardless of gender. And it is best to do it by the example of dad and mom.
Even the most perfect haircut or hairstyle may require professional styling when it comes to a special event, date, celebration, dinner at a restaurant or just to create a festive mood.
Master Julia
(Including drugs)
I length 5000 ₴
II length 7200 ₴
III length 7800 ₴
Shatush technique, which involves tinting strands in different similar shades from the hair roots.
Balayazh is not much different from shatush, the result is even more like burnt hair.
Degrade differs from balayage in that three shades of blond are selected in degrade
Ombre, there are two options for performing this technique: The first is the transition from a light color to a darker one. The second option, on the contrary, from dark roots to light tips.
Magimesh is suitable for those who prefer soft lightening without negative consequences in the form of dryness, porosity and split ends.
Glazing coloring tone on tone (Tinting) for sensitive and damaged hair.
I length – to the ears. II length – on the shoulder blades. III length – waist.
Fixed price
(Including drugs)
Root 1100 ₴
I length (coloring, haircut, styling) 1500 ₴
II length (coloring, haircut, styling) 2000 ₴
III length (coloring, haircut, styling) 2500 ₴
Men’s haircut
(includes hair wash)
Classic 350 ₴
Model 500 ₴
Gray hair camouflage700 ₴
Haircut for children
Boy 300 ₴
Girl 400 ₴
Women’s haircut
(Including preparations and shampooing)
I length 900 ₴
II length 1100 ₴
III length 1400₴
Tips 300 ₴
Bangs 200 ₴
I длина до ушей. II длина по лопатки. III длина по талию.
Cтрижка мужская (включает мытье головы) Классика 350 ₴ Модельная 500 ₴ Каммуфлирование седины 700 ₴ Cтрижка детская Мальчик 300 ₴ Девочка 400 ₴
(Включаючи препарати)
I довжина – 5000 грн
II довжина – 7200 грн
III довжина – 7800 грн
Шатуш техніка, яка передбачає тонування пасмів у різні схожі відтінки від коріння волосся.
Балаяж не сильно відрізняється від шатуша, результат ще більше схожий на вигоріле волосся.
Деграді на відміну від балаяжу полягає в тому, що в деграді вибирається три відтінки блонду.
Омбре існує два варіанти виконання цієї техніки: Перший -перехід від світлого кольору до темнішого. Другий варіант, навпаки, від темного коріння до світлих кінчиків.
Мажимеш підійде тим, хто віддає перевагу м’якому освітленню без негативних наслідків у вигляді сухості, пористості і переріз кінчиків.
Глазування фарбування тон у тон (Тонування) для чутливого та пошкодженого волосся.
I довжина – до вух. ІІ довжина – по лопатки. III довжина-по талію.
Фіксована ціна
(Включаючи препарати)
Корінь 1100 ₴
I довжина (фарбування, стрижка, укладання) 1500 грн
II довжина (фарбування, стрижка, укладання) 2000 грн
III довжина (фарбування, стрижка, укладання) 2500 грн
Стрижка женская (Включая препараты и мытье головы) I длина 900 ₴ II длина 1100 ₴ III длина 1400 ₴ Кончики 300 ₴ Челка 200 ₴
Hair styling on brush
(Including preparations and shampooing)
I length 550 ₴
II length 650 ₴
III length 800 ₴
Cocktail styling
(Including preparations and shampooing)
I length 650 ₴
II length 750 ₴
III length 950 ₴
I length to the ears. II length to the shoulder blades. III waist length.
068-000-12-04 (Администрация)